Piccolo's AKC Standard Poodles
Piccolo's AKC Standard Poodles
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There is no psychaiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your faced." -Bern Williams
This will be Pixel’s final litter and will have high performance and conformation possibilities. Previous puppies from Pixel are working in agility, competitive obedience, service work, scent work, trick dog, dock diving, lure coursing, and active companion pets. She’s also produced several conformation Champions. The puppies in her retirement litter will be excellent performance (obedience, rally, trick dog, coursing, dock diving, Fast CAT, and agility) and conformation prospects as well as amazing active pets! The puppies will be closer to small Standard in size. They should mature to approximately 18-24” at the shoulder and 30-45 pounds depending on sex, build, and care. The puppies will be solid black in color.
The mother is PN BN URO1 CH Piccolo's Picture Perfect RN RI TKN BCAT DCAT FCAT CA CAA CAX DJ CGC SN-C NTD 2K9 HIT (call name Pixel). Photos and other details of Pixel can be found at https://www.piccolospoodles.com/pixel. She is a smart, petite girl with great performance drive but a nice off switch to enjoy snuggles. She has high prey drive. She is solid dark brown in color. She is 19.5" at the shoulder and weighs about 32 pounds. Her pedigree can be found at http://www.poodledata.org/pedigree.asp?ID=550489 although keep in mind that all titles may not be updated in this public database. Pixel is fully OFA and CHIC health certified. She been certified by the OFA for her hips, elbows, eyes, cardiac, patella, thyroid, dentition, and Legg-Calve-Perthes. She has been tested normal and clear for progressive retinal atrophy, rod-cone dysplasia type 4 progressive retinal atrophy, Willebrand's Disease, Neonatal Encephalopathy, and Degenerative Myelopathy. Pixel’s OFA health testing link is https://www.ofa.org/advanced-search?appnum=2140486. She has also been tested at the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory as part of the Canine Genetic Diversity project which helps breeders to improve the health of breeding programs. Her VGL BetterBred testing link is https://www.betterbred.com/profile/?link=6577. She is genetically diverse with an Outlier Index of 0.30 compared to the breed average of 0.23 and Internal Relatedness of -0.20 compared to the breed average of 0.02. Pixel has earned her AKC RN and RI rally obedience titles; AKC BCAT, DCAT, and FCAT Fast CAT title; AKC TKN trick dog titles; AKC CA, CAA, and CAX coursing title; AKC DJ dock diving title; AKC CGC title; UKC Championship conformation title; UKC PN and BN obedience title; UKC URO1 rally obedience title; CDSP SN-C obedience titles; DMWYD NTD tick dog title; and DMWYD 2K9 fitness title. She has earned High In Trial award twice in UKC rally obedience. She is pointed towards her AKC BN obedience title and DS dock diving title.
Pixel’s mother Ziva is CHIC certified and has been certified by the OFA for her eyes, hips, elbows, thyroid, dentition, and heart. She has been tested normal and clear for progressive retinal atrophy, Von Willebrand's Disease, Neonatal Encephalopathy, Degenerative Myelopathy, and brucellosis. She was also tested at the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory as part of the Canine Genetic Diversity project. Pixel’s father Krakken is CHIC certified and has been certified by the OFA for his eyes, hips, elbows, and thyroid. He has been tested normal and clear for Von Willebrand's Disease, Neonatal Encephalopathy, and Brucellosis. He was also tested at the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory as part of the Canine Genetic Diversity project. Three of Pixel’s grandparents are also fully OFA and CHIC health certified. In Pixel's 6-generation pedigree, there are over 70 performance titles (obedience, rally, agility, dock diving, therapy, hunting, herding, tricks, versatility, etc.) and 40 conformation Champions! Pixel’s mother Ziva has her AKC BN, CD, GN, and CDX obedience titles; AKC RN and RA rally titles; AKC TKN trick dog title; AKC BCAT, DCAT, and FCAT Fast CAT title; AKC CGC title; UKC CD and CDX obedience title; UKC URO1, URO2, URO3, Masters rally titles; UKC Championship titles; and CDSP SN-C, CD-C, and CDX-C obedience titles. She has also earned the AKC Achieve Dog, UKC High In Trial, and Versatility Certificate Excellent awards. Pixel’s father Krakken has his AKC RI Rally title; AKC NJ and NF agility titles; AKC DCAT Fast CAT title; AKC DS dock diving title; AKC TDI trick dog title; and UKC Championship title. He was the top Fast CAT coursing Standard Poodle in 2019 with a speed of 28.82MPH. He was also invited to the 2019 AKC/NADD Dock Diving National Championships and jumped for 19’ 6”. He was also invited to the 2021 AKC Fast CAT National Championships and finished Best In Breed (over 18”).
The sire is RACEN HOP SPOT-ON U-GRCH Delovely Make My Day CGC TOTAL DOG CHIC (call name Trigger). He is a happy go lucky, biddable boy. He has medium drive with a nice off switch. He is black and white parti in color. He is 23" at the shoulder and weighs about 42 pounds. He is square in build with nice angulation and movement. His pedigree can be found at https://poodle.pedigreedatabaseonline.com/en/Delovely-s-Make-My-Day/pedigree/68789/i although keep in mind that all titles may not be updated in this public database. Trigger is fully OFA and CHIC health certified. He been certified by the OFA for his hips (rated excellent), elbows, eyes, and cardiac. He has been tested normal and clear for progressive retinal atrophy, rod-cone dysplasia type 4 progressive retinal atrophy, Willebrand's Disease, Neonatal Encephalopathy, Day Blindness Retinal Degeneration, Chondrodystrophy CDDY, and Degenerative Myelopathy. Trigger’s OFA health testing link is https://ofa.org/advanced-search/?appnum=2357983 but his genetic test results are still in process. He has also been tested at the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory as part of the Canine Genetic Diversity project which helps breeders to improve the health of breeding programs. His VGL BetterBred testing link is https://www.betterbred.com/profile/?link=8204. He is genetically diverse with an Outlier Index of 0.30 compared to the breed average of 0.23 and Internal Relatedness of -0.13 compared to the breed average of 0.02. Trigger has earned his AKC CGC title; UKC Grand Championship conformation title; UKC RACEN precision coursing title; UKC HOP dash coursing title; and UKC SPOT-ON title. He has also earned the UKC Total Dog award which "displays equal parts Function, Temperament, and Structure. A sound, well-bred, well-adjusted dog can easily transition from the show ring to a performance event. They have the looks to excel as a proper specimen of their breed, while also having the brains and ability to perform athletically in a variety of sporting events." He will be finishing his AKC BCAT Fast CAT, AKC CA lure coursing, UKC URO1 rally obedience, and UKC Steeplechase coursing titles this spring.
Trigger’s father Hudson is CHIC certified and has been certified by the OFA for his eyes, patella, cardiac, elbow, hips, sebaceous adenitis, and thyroid. Trigger’s mother Jolene is CHIC certified and has been certified by the OFA for her cardiac, eyes, elbow, and hips. Three of Trigger’s grandparents are also fully OFA and CHIC health certified. In Trigger’s 6-generation pedigree, there are almost 50 conformation Champions!
Pixel and Trigger are an excellent 10/10 genetic match according to the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory Canine Genetic Diversity project. An increase in genetic diversity decreases complex autoimmune disorders and other complex diseases. The test breeding for Pixel/Trigger is available at https://www.betterbred.com/litter-summary/?sire=8204&dam=6577. The average Outlier Index is 0.30, and the average Internal Relatedness is -0.03.
This will be Pisa’s first litter. This match combines high performance possibilities with strong conformation. The puppies will be excellent performance (obedience, rally, trick dog, coursing, dock diving, Fast CAT, lure coursing, and agility), service/therapy dog, hunting, and conformation prospects as well as amazing pets!
The mother is URO1 UJJ SPOT-ON CH Piccolo's Tuscany Amore CA DJ DJX CGC TKN CW-Ob1 TDI SDIT (call name Pisa). Photos and other details of Pisa can be found at https://www.piccolospoodles.com/pisa. She is a biddable, friendly, goofy girl with great performance drive but a nice off switch to enjoy snuggles. She is toy and food motivated with nice retrieve drive. She is solid brown in color. She is 22" at the shoulder and weighs about 42 pounds. Her pedigree can be found at https://poodle.pedigreedatabaseonline.com/en/Piccolo-s-Tuscany-Amore/pedigree/80504/i although keep in mind that all titles may not be updated in this public database. Pisa is fully OFA and CHIC health certified. She been certified by the OFA for her hips, elbows, eyes, cardiac, patella, thyroid, dentition, and Legg-Calve-Perthes. She has been tested normal and clear for progressive retinal atrophy, rod-cone dysplasia type 4 progressive retinal atrophy, Willebrand's Disease, Neonatal Encephalopathy, Degenerative Myelopathy, chondrodystrophy, GM2-gangliosidosis, osteochondrodysplasia, and day blindness retinal degeneration. Pisa’s OFA health testing link is https://ofa.org/advanced-search/?appnum=2330559. She has also been tested at the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory as part of the Canine Genetic Diversity project which helps breeders to improve the health of breeding programs. Her VGL BetterBred testing link is https://www.betterbred.com/profile/?link=9584. Pisa has earned her AKC CA lure coursing title; AKC DJ and DJX dock diving titles; AKC TKN trick dog title; AKC CGC title; UKC Championship conformation title; UKC URO1 rally obedience title; C-WAGS CW-Ob1 obedience title. She has also earned the UKC Total Dog award which "displays equal parts Function, Temperament, and Structure. A sound, well-bred, well-adjusted dog can easily transition from the show ring to a performance event. They have the looks to excel as a proper specimen of their breed, while also having the brains and ability to perform athletically in a variety of sporting events." She is pointed towards her UKC DS dock diving title, UKC URO2 rally obedience title, and CDSP SN-C obedience title.
Pisa’s mother Phoebe is CHIC certified and has been certified by the OFA for her eyes, hips, elbows, thyroid, dentition, and heart. She has been tested normal and clear for progressive retinal atrophy, Von Willebrand's Disease, Neonatal Encephalopathy, Degenerative Myelopathy, and RCD4 progressive retinal atrophy. She was also tested at the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory as part of the Canine Genetic Diversity project. Pisa’s father Remmy is CHIC certified and has been certified by the OFA for his dentition, patella, cardiac, eyes, hips, and thyroid. He has been tested normal and clear for RCD4 progressive retinal atrophy, and day blindness retinal degeneration. He was also tested at the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory as part of the Canine Genetic Diversity project. All four of Pisa’s grandparents are also fully OFA and CHIC health certified. In Pisa's 6-generation pedigree, there are over 130 performance titles (obedience, rally, agility, dock diving, therapy, Fast CAT, herding, tricks, coursing, etc) and 160 conformation Champions! Pisa’s mother Phoebe has her AKC BN and CD obedience titles; AKC RN, RI, RA, and RE rally obedience titles; AKC CGC and CGCA titles; AKC TKN and TKI trick dog titles; AKC BCAT, DCAT, and FCAT Fast CAT titles; AKC CA, CAA, and CAX coursing titles; AKC FDB Fit Dog title; UKC Championship and Grand Championship title; UKC PN, BN, CD, and ACD obedience titles; UKC URO1, URO2, and URO3 rally obedience titles; UKC RACEN, RACEA, and RACES precision coursing titles; UKC SPOT-ON title; CDSP SN-C and CD-C obedience title; DMWYD NTD trick dog title; DMWYD 2K9 fitness title; and Therapy Dog International certified. She has also earned the UKC Total Dog award and Versatility Certificate Excellent Award. Pisa’s father Remmy has his AKC DN dock diving title; AKC BCAT Fast CAT title; AKC CA lure coursing title; AKC CGC title; AKC TKN trick dog title; UKC GRCH conformation title; UKC UCA lure coursing title; and UKC RACEN precision coursing title. He has also earned the AKC Achiever Dog award and UKC Total Dog award.
We are still solidifying the stud dog but he will be fully CHIC health tested with performance and conformation titles. He will also be an excellent genetic match according to the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory Canine Genetic Diversity project.
If Phreyja pass all her health testing, this will be her first litter. The puppies will be excellent performance (obedience, rally, trick dog, coursing, Fast CAT, and agility) as well as amazing active pets! The puppies will be small Standard in size, likely 15-19” at the shoulder and 20-30 pounds depending on sex, build, and care.
We are still solidifying the stud dog but he will be fully CHIC health tested with performance and conformation titles. He will also be an excellent genetic match according to the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory Canine Genetic Diversity project.
We are located near Baltimore, MD. We are an AKC Breeder of Merit. More information and photos are available at www.facebook.com/piccolospoodles.
If you would like to receive more details about our litter, please complete our puppy questionnaire at https://www.piccolospoodles.com/contactus.htm!.
How do I reserve a puppy? What's next?
To make it clear, here are the steps to welcoming a Piccolo’s Poodle into your home if you’d like to move forward:
Complete our puppy application at https://www.piccolospoodles.com/contactus.htm. We like to get to know the goals and lifestyle of each potential family. This information helps us start the dialog to ensure that each of our puppies are matched with the right family. The more detailed information you provide, the more accurately we can assess if we have a good match. Completing the application does not automatically add you to our reservation list.
We will email you details about our upcoming litter(s). Please check your spam box for this email as it is a long email that often gets caught in filters. If you do not receive anything within a couple weeks, please reach out via email or our Facebook messenger.
Respond to that email with any questions or if you'd like to reserve a puppy.
We may ask a few more questions based upon your original application. We may also schedule an initial meet and greet in a public setting (Lowe's, park, dog show, or pet store), Zoom virtual meeting, or phone call. We post out upcoming show schedule that allows spectators on our Facebook page. This allows you to meet some of our dogs, ask questions, and discuss your goals. We may also contact your references to verify that you are an excellent home for one of our puppies.
Upon your request, we will email you our full puppy contract to review.
If you'd like to reserve a puppy, read, complete, and return the contract with a completely non-refundable reservation fee of $500 in the mail. Your completed contract and deposit check must be received before addition to our reservation wait list. So you have a realistic expectation, our general reservation wait time can be 2-24 months depending on when we have a puppy that best matches your goals and lifestyle.
After the puppies are born, we will be in touch with our reservation families and solidify specific details about the goals and lifestyle of each family. We will schedule a Zoom virtual meeting or phone call to update your preferences, lifestyle, and goals as sometimes these things change from the initial application. If not completed earlier, we will contact your references to verify that you are an excellent home for one of our puppies. Everyone loves the frequent updates on our Facebook page as the puppies grow. When we believe that a puppy will be available for you, a non-refundable $1000 deposit is due. We do not make specific puppy allocations until the temperament and conformation assessments are completed at 7 weeks old. A current contract with the specific puppy details will be updated as needed.
Please note we cannot control exact litter size, sex, or color of the puppies born so the wait time may be longer than expected. We match our puppies based on the lifestyle, goals, and preferences of each family so we cannot guarantee a specific puppy or litter in advance. If there is not a puppy that matches your goals, lifestyle, and/or sex/color requirements, your reservation will be automatically transferred to the next litter until we have a best match. If you choose to withdraw your reservation, please keep in mind the $500 reservation fee is non-refundable.
We do reserve the right to reject an application or void a reservation and refund any reservation and deposit money at any time if we feel any family is not a good fit for our puppies. The health, safety, and care of our puppies is our top priority at all times.